Friday, May 10, 2019

Iced Java Shake

Make some Dummy Thicc soft-serve

Put 2 Tbsp instant coffee in large mug

Pour minimal amount of boiling water over the coffee

Pour in the Dummy Thicc soft-serve, style as required, mix if you feel like it

Alternatively, add 6-9 Tbsp instant coffee to a large coffee mug

Pour minimal amount boiling water over the coffee

Add icecubes to the coffee, let sit until chilled

Replace water in dummy thicc soft-serve with the coffee-mixture for a Dummy Thicc Java Soft-Serve mixture.

Dummy-thicc vegan soft-serve icecream shake/smoothie

2 cup of oats
1 cup of frozen cumquats

Blend cumquats and oats with some water or milk (Cow, almond, rice, whatever you want) until smooth before adding other ingredients

2 Tbsp dark chocolate powder or carob (substitute for your favorite protein-powder if you wish)
5 Tbsp smooth peanut butter

Blend the peanut-butter and powder into the oat and cumquat mixture with additional water or milk until smooth before adding other ingredients

3-5 frozen bananas

Blend until smooth. Store in the coldest area of your fridge.

Iced Java Shake

Make  some Dummy Thicc soft-serve Put 2 Tbsp instant coffee in large mug Pour minimal amount of boiling water over the coffee Pour in ...